- ENDLESS FUN, REUSABLE : Your child can paint everything on the drawing mat what comes to their mind. You can write shapes, pictures, letters, numbers, words, and more. There are no limits to the creative spirit. After about 3 to10 minutes, the magic happens and you can watch how the drawing slowly disappears and leaves a clean surface that can be used again and again.
- SECURE, NOT TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS : Relax in peace with the conscience that your child can play with a non toxic, safe, creatively stimulating and fun set of character mats. With the water you do not have to worry about your child sucking on the crayons or completely damaging your home and furniture.
- PERFECT KIDS TOYS : Our doodle board mat promotes hand eye coordination and fine motor skills as kids experiment with large colourful stencils. Also included is a helpful coloured drawing booklet.You will not regret your choice.
- SPACE SAVING : Our extra medium mat with 100cm x 60cm doodle mat can be folded for easy storage and portability. so that nothing is in the way of family outing. With sufficient accessories all children can paint and play at the same time.